OSCARS 2025 Retreat with Gurus Magazine
Rachel McCord, founder of The McCord List, and Rick Schirmer of ViralBrand
The @gurusmagazine 2nd Annual Pre-Oscar Retreat at The @godfreyhotelhollywood was amazing!
Derek Warburton; Rachel McCord
Rachel McCord was also joined by Sierra Jackson…
…for a day of pampering and fun, with special thanks to the event’s host, Derek Warburton, and sponsors, The Evolved Co, Skin Wand Pro, moon d’elle, South Bay Plastic Surgeons, The Blonde Italian, and of course Habitat for Humanity.
Rachel McCord supporting Habitat for Humanity in Los Angeles, California.
Mara Dorne, of the new show, BILF—Boss I’d Like to Follow, was onsite conducting interviews with Gurus Magazine’s winners. She and Rachel McCord had an inspiring conversation on the show, about overcoming obstacles and living from an open-heart.
This conversation was very timely as February was heart health awareness month, and Rachel is nearing her one-year anniversary of surviving open-heart surgery. For more on her story, you can read about it on Holy Spirit Vibe, her new faith-based apparel and charm jewelry brand.