Gift Guide: Valentine’s Day Gifts For Her in 2019

Gift Guide: Valentine’s Day Gifts For Her in 2019

Rachel McCord

I can’t believe January is ALMOST over!! It’s craziness! Although, I’m not mad about it...Valentine’s Day is right around the corner!!

I used to get so excited for Valentine’s Day, but would feel disappointed because Rick (the hubby) isn’t a big planner (most of my friends would laugh at the very mention of those two words together). He would pick epic spots...just forget to make a reservation. You know, so we’d arrive and would wait (standing up in heels, crouching over a corner of the bar throwing French Fries and tequila back...for 2 hours #truestory)!!

*Closing eyes and taking a longgggg deep breath.*

After a few years of feeling pretty disappointed, I took a second and thought about it...Rick isn’t a planner, but he is amazing at a million other things! am the planner in our house, so why not let him be himself and  me run the show on getting things locked down? Praise emoji!

WAY better!! We now pick the spots together and I coordinate everything. As a Scorpio, I love mystery and surprise, but as a wife who wants to be happy on Valentine’s Day (one of my favorite holidays), I take control and let the sweet, romantic things he surprises me with be enough. Wow, I sound so mature! :)

So, if you are like me and want to tell your guy EXACTLY what you is my list of Valentine’s Day gifts for her (spoiler alert: some of them sparkle)!

Valentine’s Day 2019 gifts for her

Sydney Evan is kind of rocking my world right now. I’m especially obsessed with the Love necklace, gold hoops, and pins. You can check them out here:


Some of their pieces range from $800-$1500, but this adorable piece is only $180!

Great jewelry for wife


What to buy her on Valentine’s day

Next up, we have Outhouse Jewellery. I am kind of freaking out over their Valentine’s Day gifts for women...I mean because they’re pretty EPIC!

For example, I want to buy these for myself for VDay! Is that weird?

Valentine’s Day gifts for her

I DID say I’m alllll about making Valentine’s Day moves....*trails off...

Maybe I’ll let Rick wrap them and put them under my Valentine’s Day tree (okay, I don’t REALLY have one but wouldn’t that be adorable if I did?!).

Check out the rest of their Valentine’s Day Gifts for Her right here:




Jewelry for Valentine’s Day

Lastly (but certainly not least)...we have Mott + Prince. If you are looking for jewelry AND trendy pieces for the closet...this is your move. 

PLUS, my best friend founded the company so I am OBVIOUSLY obsessed with it. She’s the most stylish betch ever!

Inexpensive Valentine’s Day gifts for girlfriend

There are SO many amazing pieces to choose from! Their jewelry is all under $50. And I especially love this piece!

Buy Valentine’s Day

I’ve even rocked it on a few photoshoots for her!

Rachel McCord model

And here are a few more that I love!!

Cozy sweaters 2019

The Rustic Turtleneck (maybe pair this with a getaway to Solvang.......can I hear an “Amen”? No? Okay.)

 Gifts wife

THIS piece is my absolute FAVORITE! 

 Check out all of their pieces at:




Oh! And happy freaking Valentine’s Day!!!